the true contemplation of something complicated...



ni acara kegiatan matahari (masa ta'aruf penuh arti) 2010

rendy (ketua OC, paling kiri), andree ( ssekertaris OC, kedua dari kiri) acan (bendahara II OC) dan Eli (bendahara I).

huft, lagi-lagi jadi bendahara..well, it's ok when I take this job,but I just think why must I be choosen???
I just do what have to do the best for everything to everyone........

wah....kaya nu ni...boleh dunk minta uang nya pak bend...xixixix

wah ini ni penyebab knapa oranh tu bisa korupsi....hehhehehe

hihihi...iya iya....yang penting buda dapet jatah....xixiix

wah. keren. calon-calon pejabat negara!!

amiin...maksih ya mand,
eh di follow juga donk blog ku..hehehhe

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it's just me

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the student of indonesian islamic university......... faculty of law 2009

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